Monday, August 26, 2013

Adsense: Common Mistakes

BY newtechi

  1. Never-Ever Click ads on your page yourself - This is the holy-grail of the Adsense Program. When you are clicking ads on your own website, basically you are cheating the advertisers. The Google Adsense program tracks all the ads and it can detect self clicks very easily through sophisticated algorithms. Don't tell your friends to click on ads on your website as the system can detect any abnormal clicking activity and you can get banned for even that.
  2. Do not fiddle with the Adsense Code - I have seen people making changes in the Adsense code for their website for customizations etc. Please do not make any changes in the code as Adsense provides ample customizing options for you. If the changes you make violate the TOS, the ads can stop appearing on your website.
  3. Donot keep more than the prescribed limit of Ads on your website - Keep going back to the TOS for knowing the limit of placing Ad Units and Ad Links on the website. Never attempt to cross the limits posed by the TOS. At present the limit is 3 ad units and 3 ad links or 2 adsense search boxes on any web page.
  4. Competitive Contextual Ad Programs - As far as possible always avoid putting rival contextual ad programs on the same page. However, recent changes in adsense TOS reveal that they allow contextual advertising programs like Yahoo Ads, Chitika etc., provided they do not resemble Google Ads.
  5. Do not give confidential information - According to the latest TOS you can reveal information like your total earnings from Adsense on your website but you cannot reveal information like CTR/CPM etc for individual ad units.
  6. Do not label Ad Units - You can only put Labels like "Advertisement", "Sponsored Links" etc. above or besides the Ad units. Any other type of labels is NOT ALLOWED.
  7. Never Launch new pages on Ad Clicking - You should never code your pages such that any clicks on the ad units will open in a new page. This is usually done by specifying the terget of the links. This is a strict No No according to the Adsense TOS.
  8. Ads only on content pages - Place Adsense units only on pages that contain relevant content. Pages like thanks, error login etc should be preferable be avoided for putting up ad units.
  9. Do not Mask - Do not, in any way mask the ad units appearing on the webpage. This is mostly done to hide the status of the units as Ads. In fact blending is allowed but masking in any way should never be attempted.
  10. Do not send Ad Units by email - Javascript code of the Adsense can be easily embedded on HTML emails. But even a single ad click from email is enough to ban your Adsense ID.
  11. Content - Use Adsense only on content pages which is allowed as per the TOS. Presently pages with MP3, Videos, News Groups is not allowed as also is pornography, hate-related, violent or other illegal content.
  12. Content Language - Place Ad units only on pages in which have content in the languages supported as per the TOS. Presently the supported languages are: Chinese (simplified), Japanese, Danish, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, English, Polish, Finnish, Portuguese, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Swedish, Italian and Turkish. In addition, AdSense for search is available in Czech, Slovak, and Traditional Chinese.


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