With adsense, Sometimes things do not go as you hoped, you may run into various types of problems that can affect, in particular, the performance of the ads. Why can not I earn ? What should I do to earn more ?
Unfortunately, it is not I who decides what value to give every single click on your site, you can not set it. Therefore, if you want to try to lift it you will need to act in an indirect manner:
- Different Keywords: If you frequently use few keywords, you can try to change them and see if the CPC increases. Even though finding synonyms makes sense.
- Best Traffic: Try to buy targeted traffic from AdWords or other PPC services. If you have a higher ctr, cpc will increase.
- Best Content: It is possible that if the contents of your site are not specific and high quality, the value of the clicks can be very low. Write quality content with specific keywords.
- Delete Some Ads: Sometimes you find advertisers that pay very little, however adsense allows you to block ads by simply pointing the url.
Few Hits
If the problem is that you do not have enough visits to earn, well, the only way to remedy is that you get more visitors on your website.
Needless to say, obviously you will not reach thousands of free visitors from day to day, but it will take time and patience. Also visitors should be targeted and interested in a given topic.
The Click On Adsense revenue will bring a much higher profit, if visitors are really interested and especially if part of them, after clicking the ad unit, also do other actions (registering, shopping etc …)
Another factor that negatively affects the returns are CTR (Click Through Rate) which indicates the percentage of users who click on the ad units. There are some things to keep thoughtlessness in this respect:
- Unit: Are you sure you use the right units ? Use banner text, link. What is the right solution for your site or for that particular page ? Make some tests to find out.
- Size and Color: You are not in a correct size and color ? Why do not you try to change the banner and to adapt the color of the text so that they are okay with this ?
- Position: You entered adsense ads in the best position ? Try different combinations and styles.
Remember that a good CTR must be at least 2% of a niche site, though this is very specific I would say 3-4% minimum. Then insist on test and retest until you reach the results you are looking for.
Last Things …
Finally here are the last aspects to be taken into consideration. Remember, every little change can bring great results, so never stop trying and trying again.
Identify And Solve The Problems Of Adsense
Get Huge Earning | Identify And Solve The Problems Of Adsense
- Few Units: If your link unit showed only one or two units do not worry. Firstly because this often means that those listings are paid more.
Secondly, there being only one or two advertisements, the reader’s attention will focus more on a specific unit and there will be more likely to be clicked. Also, in these cases the CPM will be increased.
- Generic Ads: Remember to block ads that are too generic. Ads which are not meant for your website should be blocked.
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