Friday, November 10, 2006

PPC Advertising - The Hidden Cost

I recently held an internet marketing seminar at a WW2 spy school. The perfect setting, as the subject was internet marketing by stealth. A short while later, I began to think Google had sent an undercover agent to spy on us.

Probably not, but it certainly seemed like it. because a week or so after my seminar, Google had their famous clampdown on AdWord advertisers, who do not provide proper content on their landing pages.

So out went squeeze pages, bald affiliate sites (with no added value, just an affiliate link), mini sites consisting of a single sales page and so called arbitrage sites,where the visitor arrives only to be confronted with a website stuffed with Google AdWords!

I apologise to my Australian cousins, but we've all heard the joke about the Australian chat up line, which consists of three words: "Brace yourself, Shelia!". On the day of the seminar, everyone rocked with laughter when I said that -- but that's exactly what you're doing, if you use AdWords just to bring prospects straight to your sales page.

Worse than that, it's actually costing you big bucks! Here's why: courting. If you're of a certain age, you might understand that word and you may even remember the movie "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" and the glee they showed when they were "Going courting!". If you're younger, you might know it as dating.

Marketing is exactly like courting and dating. It must be conducted slowly and purposefully, to allow your potential customer to get to know you. If done correctly, you will gain far more customers over the longer term and they will remain loyal to you.

So how is AdWords costing you big bucks?

It's all down to how you treat your visitors, when they arrive at your site. If you give them some information -- perhaps an article -- that dovetails precisely with the promise made in your Google ad, they will be more inclined to stay on your site. If the content you give them is good, they will be more inclined to trust you. They may even sign up for your newsletter or mini course. They may even stick around long enough to read the link from this first page to your sales page. They may even buy from you -- none of which they would have done if you had catapulted them straight from the AdWords ad into your sales page, without this essential pre-selling.

Do this and two things will happen:

Not only will your subscription rates for your newsletter sign-up rate rise dramatically from the average 20% conversion you're likely to get with an AdWords/squeeze page combination to somewhere nearer 50 - 60 %.

You'll also find you are paying less per click, because Google will notice you have enhanced your visitor experience and reward you accordingly.

Paul Hooper-Kelly owns and uses his forty years marketing experience to help ordinary people achieve extraordinary on-line success.
Paul has just written an amazing new free course "Zero To Hero In Seven Days", so grab your copy now while it's still free at


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