Monday, August 07, 2006

Important Tags || High Ranking

The following tags are important in order to get you that high ranking that you must have to succeed on the internet.

    The TITLE tag: This is one of the most important tags. Make sure to use your keyword at least once in this tag. The SE's display the provided information as the title on the search engine results page. It shouldn't be longer than 60 - 80 characters - some SE's might cut longer strings.

    The META-Keywords tag: Contrary to what many people believe, the importance of this tag is fairly low nowadays. Provide only your most important keywords and maybe one or two synonyms.

    The META-Description tag: The SE's display this information as the description in the search engine results page.

    Your description acts as an ad for the searcher, so it's a good idea to mention the most exciting benefit of your product. Use your specific keyword at least once and keep the description under 200 characters.

    The H tags: These are the Headline tags -- H1 is the most important, H2 is second... The H tags are fairly important for the ranking of your pages -- try to use your specific keyword at least in the H1 tag.

    The BODY tag: Use your keyword throughout the body text -- especially in the opening- and final paragraph. Also, try to use synonyms together with your specific keyword.

    Follow these simple rules and the SE ranking of your pages will definitely improve and this will automatically boost web site traffic.
By: Robert Spadinger || Source: GoArticles


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