Friday, September 08, 2006

“SEOs are Criminals” - Matt Cutts

Here’s a great thread over at threadwatch discussing the criminality of SEO and certain black hat SEO techniques:

And well you could argue if you’re signing a ton of guestbooks really fast, or you’re doing a ton of trackback or referer spam, you know that almost does get towards the denial of service attack, but this is the first time where you could actually go to a court of law and you can say, “look, here’s my account, I got hacked, here’s all the stuff.”

And on some level, it is almost kind of a silver lining, in that for the first time you could go, and you know, you could actually get an SEO convicted of doing something like this. - Matt Cutts of Google

The audio on webmaster radio is here.

Clearly, Matt is making moves so he will be ready to be National Security Director in 2008 and crack down on spam.

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