If you have just started blogging and you have let your family members and friends know that you have started a blog and asked them to just visit it frequently. You have explained to them how you will make money after somebody clicks on the ads in your blog. So, your friends and family members will keep on visiting your blog and just for doing a favor they will keep on clicking your ad for you to make money.
Although their intention is just to help you earn money as they are your well-wishers it would lead to you getting banned from Google AdSense because of click fraud and all your hopes of making money through Google AdSense will die there only.
Don't let your friends and family members know how you will earn:
If you have made a blog let your friends and family know for sure but do not let them know the way you will earn money, somebody visiting your blog daily and not clicking on your ads doesn't account for click fraud. If you won't let them know they won't click on the ads and no matter if they click one or two ads that will be considered as legal click and you will get paid for it.
Monetize your blog after you have started receiving enough traffic:
Secondly, monetize your blog after you have started receiving a substantial amount of traffic, say 1000 visits per day, do not monetize your blog if only your friends and family are going to see it. If you have merely 50 visits a day and that too of your friends and family members and from other social networking sites where you have posted the link of your blog then it is not possible for you to make any money through such a low number of visits. Once you have had a good quality content and after monitoring through Google Analytics if you see that you are getting good traffic now say 1000 page views per day around the globe and obviously when people from all over the world will come to know of your blog you are bound to get good number of clicks thereby making you earn more money.
Monitor visitors to your blog daily:
Thirdly, monitor the traffic in your blog either through Google Analytics tool or from blogger stats. If you have monetized your blog already and if you are observing the suspicious clicks which you are getting from a particular IP, may be somebody doesn't want you to earn money and prosper and he/she must be knowing the process of earning money through Google AdSense and would deliberately click on your ads continuously for you to get banned from Google AdSense and Google suspecting that you are asking your friend to click on your ads if you are not getting any clicks from outside world. If you see such a suspicious behavior in your blog ban that IP from seeing your blog. Well if you are using free hosting like blogger your options may not be much but you can always let Google know of the things which you are noticing and explain them that you are not at all responsible for it. Google will reduce the money of those clicks and ban that IP from seeing your blog. Google appreciates active webmasters than those who do not seem to care about their AdSense account and follow the visitors to their blog.
Well, these are the ways by which you can prevent click frauds happening thereby saving your Google AdSense account. Again, to summarize I will point out the important things which I mentioned above to prevent click fraud happening and saving your AdSense account.
1. Don't let your friends and family members know how you will make money.
2. Monetize your blog after you have enough content and started seeing enough visits
3. Monitor visits daily and report to Google if you see suspicious clicks after monetizing.
You can prevent your AdSense account from getting banned if you take care of the above things.
SOURCE: shailesh549.hubpages.com
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