1. Blend Your Ad Units Perfectly Into Your Pages
When you insert your ad units into your pages you must blend them perfectly. By the word “blend” I mean, you have to match the color scheme of your ad units with the color scheme used in your webpages. For Eg, If your blog’s links are in red colors, use the same color for your ad units links.
This will make the ad units look more like normal links, which increases the chances of getting more clicks.
2. Choose The Ad Format That Works
After testing all the ad formats, people says certain ad formats perform better than others. Ad Formats like – 336×280, 250×250 and 780×90 works well in most cases, anyways it’s not guaranteed because not all sites are the same. You have to find out which ad format performs well in your site.
3. Block Unnecessary Ad Categories
Imagine your blog is about making money or related to technology and some cosmetics ads appear in your blog, that sounds awkward right? Those unrelated ads will never be clicked. It’s not necessary for you to display them in your blog, so you can block such categories from your Adsense account.
Go to your Adsense dashboard, go to Allow & Block Ads and choose General Categories from left sidebar. Now you can block unnecessary categories from appearing in your block.
4. Choose The Right Place To Insert The Ads
Placing the ad units in the place where it can be seen or have 100% coverage, will help you to get more clicks. You can place your ad units by following the Adsense heat map.
![adsense-heatmap adsense-heatmap](http://www.geeks4share.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/adsense-heatmap.jpg)
Placing ad units in the header and below the content are best place to embed your ad units. Remember, not all sites are the same, so if your ad units are not performing well even after following the Adsense heatmap, then you will have to experiment by placing the ad units in different places of your site and find the place which performs well.
5. Use Both Banner And Text Ads
Making your ad units to display both text and image/rich media ads, will increase the number of ads competing to appear on your site. More advertisers in the ad auction drives higher bids and more revenue for you. This is said by Google itself.
6. Get More Targeted Traffic
More targeted traffic, more revenue you can make with Adsense. That’s the reason why sites that get most of it’s traffic from search engine makes more money. You can build more targeted traffic by guest posting on sites on your niche, commenting, and participating in forums.
7. Sign Up To Adsense Newsletter
Sign up to Adsense newsletter, so that Google can send you more Adsense tips to increase your earnings. If you follow all their suggestions, you can make more money from Adsense than others do.
Hope it was helpful.
READ MORE: geeks4share.com
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